In Fall 2019 I entered the University of Michigan College of Engineering, set to graduate in April 2022 (a year early!).

Check out some of my Michigan experiences:

Living ArtsEngine

College of Engineering Honors Program

Engr 100-250: Introduction to Engineering – Microprocessors and Toys

EECS 373: Introduction to Embedded Systems

EECS 470: Computer Architecture

Notable Coursework:

AP Computer Science Principles (Python, HTML, CSS, Scratch)

Chem 210/211: Organic Chemistry/Lab

UArts 150: Introduction to the Creative Process (Scratch)

Latin 301: Intermediate Latin

Engr 151: Accelerated Introduction to Programming (C++/Matlab)

Engr 100-250: Introduction to Engineering – Microprocessors and Toys (Verilog, Assembly)

EECS 203: Discrete Math

Math 285: Honors Multivariable Calculus

EECS 280: Programming and Introductory Data Structures (C++)

EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms (C++)

EECS 376: Foundations of Computer Science

EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization (C, Assembly)

Math 286: Honors Differential Equations

Math 217: Linear Algebra

Stats 280: Honors Introduction to Statistics

TC 300: Technical Communication for EECS

EECS 270: Introduction to Logic Design (Verilog)

EECS 482: Introduction to Operating Systems (C++)

EECS 498-002: Advanced Projects for EECS 482 (C++)

Latin 472: Ovid in Times of Change

Physics 160/161: Honors Physics I/Lab

EECS 484: Database Management Systems (SQL, Java, Javascript, C++)

Math 451: Advanced Calculus I [Real Analysis]

EECS 373: Introduction to Embedded Systems

EECS 470: Computer Architecture

EECS 496: Design and Professionalism for EECS

Physics 260/261: Honors Physics II/Lab

TC 497: Advanced Technical Communication for EECS

In progress:

CLCIV 202: Ancient Roman World History

EECS 483: Compiler Construction

Latin 449: Roman Satire

Math 454: Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations