I am an Eagle Scout and a Computer Science graduate student at the University of Michigan, originally from Austin, Texas. I specialize in Computer Architecture, Compilers, and Parallel Systems. I dabble in Embedded Systems, building devices for humans to interact with video games.

My experiences:

University of Michigan

Boy Scouts of America

Secondary School

Work Experience


Professional Philosophy:

Today is like any other in that there are problems in the world that humanity needs to solve. Because of our humanity, we might not be able to find perfect solutions to these problems, but it is good to find practical, balanced solutions. As an engineer, I seek to contribute to these solutions both as an individual and a team member. This is not only because I wish to, but also because I feel the responsibility to. I do not even know the best way to enter my contributions, but I hope to do so with grace and truth while enjoying the process along the way.

With this in mind, I still cannot sacrifice or overwork myself in pursuit of world perfection. Instead, my own ambitions still matter. I might want to start a business or a family, travel the world and fulfill my hobbies including music. Still, these ambitions of mine are not completely separate from the pursuit of solutions.

Possibly the greatest area where my interests and responsibilities coincide is in learning. I have always want to learn as much as possible because I want to know about the world, but I’ve also emphasized practical applications of learning. As a student in computer science, I’ve been able to practice this most of all in coding.

My coding ability is quite extensive. Since I began coding four years ago, I’ve taken many programming courses in C++/C and Python both in high school and at UM. These courses have been mostly project-based, focusing on a range of topics like data structures, processor simulations, physical simulations, and machine learning. The projects were designed to be completed in 2-3 weeks, and almost all of these projects I’ve completed in 2-3 days with near-perfect or perfect scores. The details in the results matter to me, and I desire to produce these results in a time-efficient manner. While I can work very effectively on my own, I am also team oriented. One of my favorite courses at UM, Intro to Engineering, was a team-based programming course where my team of four programmed an FPGA circuit board to play 3-Dimensional Connect 4, as you may see elsewhere on this website. I have also worked with many teams through the Boy Scouts of America. For my Eagle Project, I designed an auditorium sound booth from scratch and led a team of volunteers to bring this structure into reality. I’ve worked on and directed leadership courses for the BSA in which I taught other scouts teamworking, communication, and vision-building. I’ve also worked for my family’s small businesses where I had to work for the best interests of not only myself, but also the company overall. From all of these experiences I’ve learned the importance of vision, and by the day I adjust my own plan to more coincide with my vision.